Head Message

Hageretsion Abebe
Job Skill and Enterprises Development Bureau Head
The Sidama national regional state job, skill and enterprises development Bureau was established as an office in 2014 E.C and has been providing services to the region with three main sectors: vocational training and enterprises development sector, job creation sector and labour development sector.
The Labour and Workforce Development sector is responsible for issues related to employment, labour market information, industrial relations, and occupational safety and health. Performs activities to strengthen bilateral relations between employer and employees as well as tripartite relations between employer, employee and government. In private sector bureau oversees the implementation of policies and legal frameworks to guide employer-labor relations.
Technical and vocational education and training is part of an education system that aims to produce young people with skills, good attitudes and knowledge for a country. Developing countries, including Ethiopia, use TVET as a major tool for economic growth and reducing unemployment.
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Bureau vice heads

Fiseha Fichola Bakulo
Skill ,training and enterprise support sector head

Kefyalew Kebede
Job Opportunity Creation & development sector head

Dr. Mathe Mengesha
Employer and employee development sector head

Azmera Amano
Administration and Finance sector head

Silesh Surafel Tekamo
Procurement, Finance and Property Management directorate director