job creation & enterprises development Direktoret
Services To Be Delivered By job creation & enterprises development Direktoret
- Undertaking awwaerness creation activities for job seekers.
- Undertaking market/job oriented skill trainings in collaboration with responsible /TEVET bodies
- Facilitating favorable conditions for job creation activities focusing on agriculture, industry and service.
- Facilitating favorable conditions for job creation activities focusing on off-farm activities.
- Fasilitating Job creation by household leve using land and other deliverables for each house hold.
- Facilitating favorable conditions for effective industry extension servises.
- Facilitating and creating markate linkage.
- Support for improved products & productivity of enterprises.
- Service of quality Assurance of products and services of enterprises.
- Organizing & Facilitating support of Raw materials for enterprises.
- Creating effective integration among stakeholders
- Creating all rounded smooth environments for job creation
- Creating favorable conditions for contineous Supprtive suppervision service.
- Creating good working environment concerning Collaboration among stakeholders for fruitfull job creation.
- Planning , reporting and offering timely feedback
- creating favorable conditions to Offer wokplace like land and shades.
- Facilitating favorable conditions in allocating revolving fund for enterprises.