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Peaceful Industrial Relations Directorate

The main services provided by the Directorate are

1, Conducting research and research regarding the legal frameworks and    occupational sefety, health and work enviroment protection in the field of employer and employee affairs

2, Conducting awareness raising trainings and advocacy activities to create awareness among employers employees and relevant parties regarding the legal frameworks,policies rules, guidelines and conventions regarding employer and employee issues.

3, Carrying out combined work conditions controls to ensure the implementation of occupational safety,health and work enviroment protection and basic work condition that help to improve work enviments and working conditions.

4, Basid on the principle of prevention, protection and rehabilitation, control,monitoring,counseling and technical support services of harmfulchild labor in companies 

5, Establishing occupational safeyt and health management system and providing support services in organizations

6, Providing qualification certification services to  private organizations engaged in consulting services in the field of occupational sefety and health.

7,  Establishing a workplace cooperation and social consultation system at the corporate level and providing technical support

8, Conciliation of labor disputes,between  employers and employees as well as making them settle through the judicial service of the important board of employers and employees

9, monitoring and supporting employers and workers to ensure that their rithts to organize and bargain are respected by law,to protect their interests and rigthts.

10, Examining ,registering and recognizing employer-employee associations and union agreements.

11, carrying out capacity building activiteis of materials and profetionals that help to increase and improve the capacity and technical competence level of working conditions monitoring service.

12, When new organizations are established, expend,or change their  operations,ensuring that their working conditions do not harm the sefety and health employees.

13, Develop and implement a system to encourage and suport workers in non-unionized organizatios to use their rights to organize in a union.

14, Control over Employment agencies.