Trainee, Trainer and Leader Development Directorate
The directors providing the service for customers in classifying two case teams
Case Team 1:- Trainee and Curriculum Development Case Team
Under trainees and curriculum development case team the following activities are under taken
- shall build a competent and adaptable workforce according to the needs of different segments of the lab our market, in particular:
- provide skilled human power for industry
- Providing training by regular and extension program to from Level 1-5
- Plan and implement assessment at the end of each training program
- Make integration with other stakeholders in relation with employability and in provision of cooperative training.
- Preparing and organizing inclusive curriculum
- Delivery vocational counseling guidance for trainers
- Provide market based short term training for any citizens and stack holders
- Provide the out came based training on demand of labor market
- Join quality cooperative training
- Provide in company training
- Organizing the trainee counseling
- Conduct Graduate (career) tracking; Follow-up survey/study
- Maintain gender equality in each activities
Case Team:- 2 Trainers and Leadership Case Team
Under Trainer and Leadership Case Team the following activities are under taken
- Requirement and placement of qualified and competent trainers and instructors in occupation identified deemed important through labour market survey
- Develop variety of incentive mechanisms which can increase their motivation and commitment that can consequently improve their productivity,
- Establish transfer of trainers/instructors among zones and outside of zones within the region for the sake of properly using of existing man power.
- Provide TM training to TVET trainers based on the manuals
- Providing methodology training and granting certificate for those who are competent.
- Provides skill gap training for TVET trainer based on the data provided from college
- Make negotiation and sign MOU with industry to do properly and facilitate cooperative training
- Conduct impact assessment regarding to the productivity of training
- Encourage and follow trainers and instructors to be assessed level by level.
- Follow and Encourage the participation of women and disabled trainer during recruitment and any career development
- Upgrading trainers and instructors in the TVET system at all levels to higher education both in the formal/informal programs
- Capacitate trainers on project based training method of training
- Prepare modules to capacitate trainers on their pedagogical, methodological and didactical skills.
- Capacitate trainers on 100% technology accumulation, transfer and related software.
- Capacitate trainers on project based training method of training
- Develop a system of TVET zoning to realize relevance of programs and employability.
- Establish organizational link and synergy among different TVET structures at all level.
- Establish autonomous organs to formulate standards and strategies;
- Implement those standards; and accredit the implementation against standards at federal, regional, and local level.
- set legal and regulatory frameworks in line with federal MOLS
- Empowered to undertake the implementation of TVET, and establish TVET Quality Assurance aspects.
- Strengthen decentralized system of leadership with responsibility and accountability at all level of TVET structure.
- Differentiate the TVET institutions with the support of the federal government, and regional governments.
- Follow and Encourage the participation of women and disabled leaders during recruitment and any career development
- Provides capacity building training for institution leaders based on their professional skill gap
- Ensure their capability and usage of digital technology, since the issue of digital technology is a preconditional tool for any institution
The Pre-Requests of Customers Fulfill In Order To Get Service From The Directorate
- The request of labour market study document
- Based on the labour market, provision of the need of human resource request
- Request of capacity building
- The request of academic year enrollment cutting point of national as well as regional
- The request of making memorandum to do jointly
- The request of the directives of professional improvement
- The request of the demand of training, skill gap fulfilling document in order to refer
- The request of professional improvement, requirement guide lines
- The request of different guide line(eg. Institutional assessment. Career structure, system document,)
- Request of training and other(soft and hard copy)materials